Remember how shows for kids always had a word of the day, like “ball?” Then, they would spend the whole episode discussing balls.
This week’s word for stop 31 of the Church Experiment is “contradIcTion.”
I’m going to contradict myself multiple times. Including a huge contradiction at the very end, so no matter how judgmental I may sound throughout this chapter, you have to keep reading until the very last sentence. Second, I’m going to discuss my visit to Southland in a way that highlights many of their contradictions (from an outsider’s perspective). You’ll see what I mean.
First, a little backstory. A young lady from Kentucky began following the Church Experiment right after I began my journey. As I recall, from the beginning, she wanted me to come visit her church in Lexington. The only thing I know about Lexington is that I loathe University of Kentucky basketball, so a trip seemed unlikely. Then, a while back, she gave me an update about “IT.” Southland Christian Church ( began a summer-long marketing blitz for a series beginning August 1, called IT. No one knew what IT was, only that IT was going to be huge. My interest was piqued, so Saturday night, I made the ninety-minute drive from Cincinnati to Lexington to experience IT firsthand.
To finish reading about this experience or any of the reflections from my 52 visits, please purchase the full book here.
This week’s word for stop 31 of the Church Experiment is “contradIcTion.”
I’m going to contradict myself multiple times. Including a huge contradiction at the very end, so no matter how judgmental I may sound throughout this chapter, you have to keep reading until the very last sentence. Second, I’m going to discuss my visit to Southland in a way that highlights many of their contradictions (from an outsider’s perspective). You’ll see what I mean.
First, a little backstory. A young lady from Kentucky began following the Church Experiment right after I began my journey. As I recall, from the beginning, she wanted me to come visit her church in Lexington. The only thing I know about Lexington is that I loathe University of Kentucky basketball, so a trip seemed unlikely. Then, a while back, she gave me an update about “IT.” Southland Christian Church ( began a summer-long marketing blitz for a series beginning August 1, called IT. No one knew what IT was, only that IT was going to be huge. My interest was piqued, so Saturday night, I made the ninety-minute drive from Cincinnati to Lexington to experience IT firsthand.
To finish reading about this experience or any of the reflections from my 52 visits, please purchase the full book here.